
[Ref. ss #4]

As you can see the the subject of the class this week was Light! To find out how we can be what Jesus wanted us to be we looked up in John 8 where we are told he said:-

"I am the light of the world;  he that followeth me shall not walk in darkness, but shall have the light of life."

We learnt that he also said that WE too are the light of the world when we are pure in heart!

We read about this in Matthew 5 and found that we need to be expressing all the good things he mentions in the Be-attitudes in order to be lit up with happiness!

"Blessed" means to be happy! So if we are pure in heart we are bound to be happy because we are looking to see and understand God.  It means we become like clean windows and let all God's goodness shine through us!

Interestingly Jesus then says that when you light a candle you don't hide it under a cushion but put it high up where everyone can see the good works which you do and and glorify your God which is in heaven!

In the picture below you can see that the lights are turned off and we are watching the video of "I am walking in the light of God". 


Our faces were shining with Love as we sang with so many Sunday Schools all round the world.

The Beatitudes

Matt 5: 3-12

          6. Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.

Ruth Hilary Smith