Embrace newness together ...
[Ref. journal #17]
I had a very interesting insight into yoga yesterday.
The teacher was talking about flexibility and the reason for it ... many of us have already thought this through ... the goal of “flexing muscles". He said "We are all trying to gain ‘spiritual awareness and oneness’ which come in various ways but in yoga it comes through letting go of limitations and consciousness of ‘body’".
So I was thinking if all our goals are for 'spiritual awareness’ we need to engage in this every moment.
So any ‘idée fixe’ has to be flexed out, both within and without, for us to engage in ‘freedom’.
Surely whatever binds us to enslavement in what seems to be ‘my personality’ limits us to a preconceived box, limiting our experience of freedom.
When we have this overwhelming sense of ‘Me’, it has the effect of limiting everything ... in every direction we look. So while the kingdom of heaven is "within"… it is only in proportion as we loose our sense of Me, mine, and who I am as a personality ... and then yield to a greater causation of our spiritual identity. This can enable us to have more security and also at the same time move us on to a better and different level?
“Don’t we all like to contemplate embracing new ideas ... so by letting go can’t we all ‘flex’ and embrace newness together and achieve more, thinking more as united humanity, searching for fresh horizons?”