Real Life becomes apparent when we know the reason why and we say “No” to misfortune.

When crashing through a fence on a steep mountain pass, I suddenly had a vision of cars going over cliff edges, tumbling and bursting into flame.

When this accident happened I rebelled… I had trained myself often to rebel. 

I had been in bad situations before and knew that I had another dimension to me that was always looked after by God. I had been in horrible situations before but always knew there was a law of harmony that was like an abundant bank account that I could always draw on when in trouble.

Thousands of other people have done the same thing and it helps to know, like them -- we are invincible. It’s the one good lesson we can learn from the Bible and it has always helped people throughout all time and it always helps me.

In that case of the car going over, I yelled ”No! Our Father which art in Heaven… looking after me”.  And the car stopped; it was swinging; balanced on the wall held by some wire fencing that had caught something underneath. 

I’ve been in many similar dire situations and illnesses and by getting a sense of God’s control over His universe, and gaining a sense of harmony, I have always come through!

Real Life becomes apparent when we know the reason why and we say “No” to misfortune.

Click The Lord’s Prayer. It can help you too!

Ruth Hilary Smith