Christmas lights

Christmas is a time associated with turning on lights.

So just what are the lights we are turning on all over town this Christmas?

Aren’t they a reminder of the news of “Immanuel" God with us right now. This was the angel-thought brought by Gabriel so long ago. And the shepherds in the fields used this light to lead them to the baby Jesus, the human herald of the Christ, the light of Truth, with which he said we have dominion over the darkness of the world. 

We can find that light switch every moment, right now, by living God’s seven qualities of light that negate the error of darkness. Life, Truth, Love, Mind Principle, Spirit and Soul are the synonyms for God.

Are we using them as light switches to the rebirth of harmony in our lives? 

They are a law of annihilation to darkness wherever we are.  

So let's claim these qualities and create a blaze in our lives as there aren't any dark switches, are there?  

Is there any source of power for darkness?

So here are the light switches…… you can add to what they do according as you see new light!!!!

TRUTH turns on the spiritual power through our likeness to God. Living the qualities of honesty, integrity. The understanding of which reveals Spirituality, perfection, inspiration and appreciation flowing into our lives. This light of God's Truth eliminates the darkness of falsification; exposing materially based lies of illness, discomfort, distortion and many others 'things' we get darkened by.

MIND  our oneness with God means we can only have divine intelligence. It's governing our thoughts and actions which brings order and we see that evidenced so that material views, personal opinions  etc do not upset or affect us.   

SOUL fills our experience with understanding God's beauty and harmony,   This destroys chance, all that is inane andPRINCIPLE is God’s law governing and maintaining us and the universe and operating all the time where ever we are. Acknowledging this we see co-operation, alignment, co-ordination, harmony, sweet activity and it eliminates disorder, rigidity, chance and chaos.

LOVE the warmth, affectionate causative, lovely, purpose of our lives:- enfolding, us with joy, stimulating us to be helpful, kind, gracious, patient, caring, tender, happy, inspiring. It’s the motivation of God which believes in us, stabilising us, trusting us, hoping in us, and constantly correcting us, encouraging us to be true to how we express His "kingdom of heaven" within.

When we feel this warming universal principle in us we cannot feel hate, abuse etc caused by selfish ambition. Being on the side of universal Love the opposites of personal opinion, hardheartedness, domination, possessiveness, racial prejudice, incompatibility, misunderstanding, coldness, ugliness, jealousy, pride become nothingness when this light switch of Love is turned on. There is no such thing as a ‘hate switch’. 

While we think of the divine we cannot think of the opposite! Any deviation from whom we are trying to express as ourselves becomes obvious and therefore impossible while we are governed by this vast unselfish principle of Love. 

So go through the other synonyms for God in the same way

PRINCIPLE  is God’s law in action.  Our lives light up when good motivates our aims. There is efficiency, guidance, accuracy, harmony, unity….. think what else a sense of principle does and what does it annihilates like disorder and chaos. When we see with this light we become true to ourselves; how God made us to be.

SPIRIT What qualities make this 'light switch’ of spirituality?  What do these ideas of our "good"ness do for us?  See how the light of Spirit eradicates materiality, showing the error of matter opinions and totally putting out the shadow of error!

LIFE as a quality of God. God’s eternal Life maintains us.  It is a sustains us to be eternal. Expressing Life in the best ways we can seeing God in ourselves is our livelihood switch which when turned on brings prosperity, oils our works. It feeds us, happifies us, activates us, balances our system, maintains  brings freshness, energy, effervescence, sustainability into our experience.  God didn’t make a switch for deterioration, lethargy, dis-ease, deterioration, stagnation, fatigue, starvation, red tape.  

None of the negatives have a source to be wired into……. so don’t look for the switch; the light of the Christ has eliminated all shadows!!

Let these ideas lead us all to express who we really are and see the light of others realising all our lights light up the world for everyone this Christmas."

Ruth Hilary Smith